Московская городская организация ВОИР

of congress and exhibition and educational events,
organized by Moscow City Organization of the all-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers in 2021

  • International scientific-practical conference “Specific characteristics of legal regulation of inventive, rationalization, patent and licensing activities in enterprises of defense industry of Russia”
  • Seminar “Intellectual property rights system in enterprises of defense industry of Russia, including execution of state defense orders”
Date: 23 - 26 March 2021 Venue: Moscow, Russia
  • Organization of the collective exposition of Russian inventors and manufactures of innovative products at the International Salon of inventions and new technologies «New Time»
  • Seminar “Relevant issues of cooperation between enterprises of defense industry of Russia, organizations of Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, universities and research institutes in production of new civilian products”
Date: 23-25 September 2021 Venue: Sevastopol
  • Organization of the collective exposition of Russian inventors and manufactures of innovative products at Global Invention Forum
Date: 15-16 October 2021 Venue: Limassol, Republic of Cyprus

(Information is preliminary!)

With respect and hope for cooperation
Chairman of the Moscow city organization VOIR
President of the international innovation club "Archimedes"
Dmitry Zezyulin

Contacts: Russia, 105187, Moscow, Scherbakovskaya str., house 53, housing V, telephone: (495) 366-14-65, Tel./fax: (495) 366-03-44,
e-mail: mosvoir@mail.ru

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