Dear colleagues!
The agreement between Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) and the Moscow City Government that developed the basis for collaboration of Rospatent with the Moscow City Government in order to boost inventive, patent and license, and innovative activity of economic entities in Moscow was concluded on 16October 2012. By agreement between the parties, Moscow City Organization of the all-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers has become an authorized organization that will implement the provisions envisaged under the agreement.
Moscow City Organization of the all-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers can offer the following services:
- Participation in Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies Archimedes;
- Training in International University of Inventor Archimedes with the awarding of certificates;
- Training in the fundamentals of inventive, rationalization, patent and license activity (lectures and seminars, practical exercises);
- Organizational and methodological support for establishing Bureau of Inventive and Rationalization Activities in enterprises and organizations, with subsequent equipping of Bureau with patent databases and training how to work with them;
- Providing the advertising page for posting the information about an enterprise on the websites:,;
- An opportunity to join International Innovational Club Archimedes that paves the way for international recognition and integration (on concessional terms);
- Providing methodological and information materials, subscription to specialized media on concessional terms (see list of media on the website;
- Provision of legal support on copyright protection of the all-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers members (on concessional terms);
- Assistance in documentation procedures to obtain a title of Honorary inventor of Moscow and Honoured inventor of the Russian Federation;
- Assistance in negotiation with Russian and foreign partners, including formation and contract follow-up;
- Assistance in patenting of inventions, industrial designs, utility models, trademarks and other objects of industrial property;
- Assistance in presentation of inventions and innovative projects;
- Assistance in organization of advertising and information campaigns, including catalogue, brochure, calendar, souvenir products, badge, medal, diploma development and production.
How to join the all-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers?
Based on the Federal Law On public associations of 19 May 1995 82 and in accordance with the Charter of the public organization Moscow City Organization of the all-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers, a primary organization of Moscow City Organization of the all-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers can be established in enterprises or in organizations. For this purpose it is necessary to find people who wish to join the society (at least 3 people), to have a meeting and to decide on establishing the primary organization. An application for membership and minutes of the meeting of the primary organization shouldbe sent to Moscow City Council of the all-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers:
Russia, 105187 Moscow, Shcherbakovskaya st.53, building B
Tel: (495) 366-14-65
Fax: (495) 366-03-44
After receiving your application form and the minutes of the meeting on establishing the primary organization of the all-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers, Moscow City Council registers your organization. After registration and the receipt of all necessary documents, we start our collaboration.